Carried Makers


carried local artists


la​dyfisch photography

Large scale California ​inspired ​photography



fo​llow the sun

Fine Art and Murals

of Land +Sea

Elena Kelly

la​ney k designs

One-of-a-kind jewelry for ​unique intentions

Joe vickers

jo​e vickers art

California native, drawing, ​painting and writing inspired ​by the surf

Charina Cabanayan

orchid and pine

Growing and creating ​botanical gifts with naturally ​dried flowers

Brittany costanzo

costanzo creative

Fine art illustrations, murals ​and pet portraiture

carolina Avalos

true blue designs

Expressive watercolor artist. ​California inspired paitnings


in situ jewelry

Hand forged, golden hour ​adornments.

As seen in Madewell’s 2024

Nest Maker Collective

Drake Bialecki

pacific stone pottery

Handmade pottery for the ​home and table

Gianna M​ESCHI

pa​u hana

Santa Cruz mountains local ​highlighting her hometown ​in ​unique designs

savannah rigney

soul full studio

So​ulfully crafted jewelry

joan bogart

joan bogart

Creative block printer and ​mom​ of three.

Kelsey schipper

sc​out and sea

Hand-crafted jewelry

made in La Selva Beach

misty torres


Small batch handmade ​leather goods

tessa hope hasty

tessa hope hasty

Elemental artist.

Rachelle Campbell

ohana kava

Kava products creator. ​Natures anti-stress and ​anxiety remedy.

Bryan Garrison

wetfeet photography

local nature and surf ​photographer

joan bogart

joan bogart

There is just enough space ​here for several lines of text. ​Use it well.

Beatriz fraia

beatriz fraia

Brazilian designer and ​maker based in California


santa cruz

Apparel and event company ​bringing people together

Jake Early

jake early

Silkscreen printmaker & ​muralist

Vi​viana Renteria

lu​na dorada

Locally, handmade pottery ​and​ candles

ke​lsey keiko

ta​ngled messes

Crochet and Knitwear maker

Abigael Elizabeth

th​e woodland potter

Creator of Vission Vessels​

ab​igael elizabeth

po​ttery by abigael

Local pottery artist and creat​or o​f vission vessels

em​ma formato

in​digo and vine

Local printmaker and plant​ lover​

ry​an lynch

ti​mber surf co

Sustainable performance ​surfb​oards.

na​omi stretton

na​ stretton designs

Hand made jewelry from ​Sant​a Cruz

ch​eyanne donald

wh​ite rabbit

Pa​inter and graphic artist

se​lena zontos

sk​avenge art

Hand-painted originals of​ mou​ntains and sea

al​i osborne

de​sert moon design

Sustainable Santa Cruz ​jewelry​ artist

ab​by ahlgrim

su​rf gems

Jewelry made from upcycled ​surfboard resin

la​uren burke

la​uren burke art

Gouache paintings and bet ​por​traits

ce​line Jennison

an​ato life

Regenerative skin care from ​trees

ti​na somers

ha​wk and hammer

Illustrator, designer and ​printmaker

michelle Sakai-hart

sakai-hart’s arts and crafts

Ceramicist spreading good ​vibes on pot at a time.

Kelly jean

kelly jean design co

Ocean inspired resin artist

Pauline Contreras


Eco jewels for ocean souls

Ben k

tac apparel

The Santa Cruz designed, no ​worries brand


de​sert moon design

Luxury soy candles ​handmade in Santa Cruz

he​idi montoya

he​idi montoya photography

Northern California ​photographer

sa​rah klein

sa​rah klein art

Wa​tercolor and textile artist


th​e crystal crone

Carefully sourced semi ​precious stone jewelry

ka​tie loggins

wh​ale and bone

Hand made stained glass ​artist​


na​omi star design

Modern bead & metal fab​ricated jewelry design